ESA Thursday

Just automatically generating a log form twitter since I cannot find the time to write proper notes. Perhaps those will amended eventually…


cboettig Predicting rare; predicting ubiquitous/noxious weed species by machine learning vs GLMs #esa11

cboettig Beautiful thing when you know just how talk methods will proceed after 2 min of intro to problem.. but stay tuned for surprises #esa11

cboettig Deitterich: how to reconstruct life history patterns from abundance fluctuations #esa11 inferring what we want from what we have w models

cboettig John Drake extends goals of Ives et al 2003 monographs by estimating genralized LV covar using lasso methods for L1 regularization #esa11

cboettig Machine learning session will use cancelled end talk to hold general methods Q&A #esa11

cboettig RT @bgrassbluecrab #esa11 tweetup happening now, meet in the lobby by exhibit hall, look for doctorzen’s kilt

cboettig Intraspecific variation symp wraps up wth nice panel discussion among presenters, excellent idea! #esa11

cboettig Bolnick onto ecological reasons: Jensen’s inequality; ‘portfolio effect’ (bet hedge), or size-dep food web. See #esa11

cboettig Dan Bolnick synthesizes the symp lessons on individ variation. Include eco-evo dynamics, ‘phenotypic subsidies’ for sink genotypes.. #esa11

cboettig Schreiber shows “Resident strikes back” phenomena" in intraguild predation #esa11

cboettig Sebastian Schreiber shows how variation in predator trait stabilizes eco-evo coexistence in a app comp & intraguild predation #esa11

cboettig Ellner “dx = Uxdt+sdW, dU=s2dW this comes from an integrated Ornstein Uhlenbeck process - if u don’t know what that is, I can’t help” #esa11

cboettig Ellner published the proposed talk faster than expected thanks Eco Let; so after fast sum. he’s showin new stuff #esa11

cboettig Ellner is a great speaker. “In 2005, ecologists everwhere said ‘oh my god, we forgot about the Price eqn’” thanks to Jeremy Fox #esa11

cboettig This intraspecific variation symp, from all-star @NIMBioS working group, is tearing up much of classical theory #esa11 #awesometalks