Monday and some phylogenetics

Working on paper revisions.  Added a separate demo file just for generating the figures and analysis used in the manuscript, called likelihood_manuscript.R Need to clean and reorganize the package files and demos.

Added full species names and islands to the tip labels of the tree.  Adjusting which example paintings/regimes to include, currently focusing on the original OU.LP model (now calling it OU.3 following Brian’s recommendation for simplicity), OU.4, (originally OU.LP4) and OU.23 (originally all_diff or OU.AD).  Paintings below.

See first plot for the code.

Also queued some more runs of the pairwise comparisons.  Modifying the distribution plots to show comparison to AIC and be clearer and more intuitive; more tomorrow.

Diversification Rates

Looking into the extensions of the Monte Carlo likelihood into speciation/extinction rate calculations.  Need to first refresh myself on the likelihood calculations for the branching models.  Revisiting the literature:

1. Nee, S., May, R.M. & Harvey, P.H. The reconstructed evolutionary process. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences 344, 305-311(1994). 2. Nee, S. et al. Extinction rates can be estimated from molecular phylogenies. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences 344, 77-82(1994). 3. Kendall, D.G. On the Generalized “Birth-and-Death” Process. Annals of Mathematical Statistics 19, 1-15(1948).

and some of the gieger/laser packages.

Sundry Logistics

Wainwright discussion group – see paper and Friday’s entry.

GTC Guest speaker Scott Dawson on his own research path and “teaching biologists to teach.”

Note to self: I should really hit all my commits to github; flickr etc and hit the publish post on the day I do the work and not the morning after; so as not to confuse myself with the timestamps!