

  • Add figures for both examples with and without ASS
  • text to accomidate both examples
  • ROC curves?
  • proof-reading


  • looking over revisions, touch-ups
  • See issues log for details
  • Impressive set of tools provided by the Whitehouse open data project In particular, see the tool for generating a RESTful API from CSV files and the “common core” metadata definitions. Notebook complies with many of these (throught the Dublin core RDFa), but looks like I could benefit from adding some more terms from the Data Catalog Vocabulary. Awesome that this site is built with Twitter-Bootstrap and Jekyll, hosted on Github, and licenced as CC-BY (content) and MIT (code). See for example, the issues log.


  • added black-white theme for readers that prefer higher contrast / more traditional appearance. Otherwise matches the orginal feel reasonably well. (#70)

  • Dropped the local javascript based search using the stemming engine (#7). The stemming search was reasonably fast, but only matches words instead of phrases (and adds considerable overhead to generating the site).