Monday, misc notes

R packages relevant to the optimal control problems

  • BB: solving system of nonlinear equations
  • bvpSolve: boundary value problems

lunch with Alan & visiting professor from Ottowa, Frithjof Lutscher.

ADG (algorithm discussion group)

  • Reviewed github, basic git commands.
  • Added roxygen function documentation
  • Created basic package, toyHMM
  • Some git notes:  The quick git-undo for a destroyed file:
git checkout filename

This will checkout the file from HEAD, overwriting your change. If you’ve already committed changes, you need to go up one previous from head, using

git checkout HEAD^ filename

Or for two commits back,

git checkout HEAD^^ filename

This command is also used to checkout branches, and you could happen to have a file with the same name as a branch. All is not lost, you will simply need to type:

git checkout -- filename

You can also do this with files from other branches, and such. man git-checkout has the details.

The rest of the Internet will tell you to use git reset --hard, but this resets all  uncommitted changes you’ve made in your working copy. Type this with care.