Tuesday notes: package work mostly.

Treebase release

  • write updated tutorial.

  • cran needs mac and windows binaries.

Trying devtools win_builder(); emailing Kurt.  Nevermind, just got the email saying the binary has been built.

  • write email announcement

rfishbase data formatting

My problem turned out not to be about “" at all, these were octal encodings of symbols used in the XML data, eg:   Cape Bojador (26°N)

which xmlValue() would read in using the octal encoding  “Cape Bojador (260260N)”

and which R CMD check would then complain about, giving the error in byte encoding (just to confuse me): “Cape Bojador (26N)”

inconv() function provided my crude work-around:

string <- "Cape Bojador (26\302\260N)"
Encoding(string) <- "UTF-8"
iconv(string, "UTF-8", "ASCII", "byte") # return hex code used by R CMD check
string <- iconv(string, "UTF-8", "ASCII", "") # just drop those chars

I could translate the hex errors by hand into octal, and then hand-code a better literal translation:

string <- "Cape Bojador (26\302\260N)"
string <- gsub("\302\260", " degrees ", string)

but that’s too tedious and slow, I’ll cope without the degree symbol for the moment.   Tedious, because I’d have to recode most UTF-8 symbols, starting by decoding their byte strings, by looking up the hex string here, then pasting the symbol into anoctal encoder.    A partial list of the offenders includes:

<c2><96>, <c2><b0>,  <c3><a9>, <c3><ad>, <c2><bd>, <c3><b3>

A solution, if not an ideal one.  At least no ASCII errors.  I’d be happy for any better suggestions.  Oh well, done.  Package submitted to CRAN via devtools

Labrid Phylogenetics

  • Launch sub-model runs

  • Attempt to replicate Price et al. results on BM model