McElreath: A Bayesian approach to hierarchical modeling, using R to build our own estimator from scratch

CPB workshop continues, introduction to Bayesian inference.

McElreath discusses (slides):

  • Bayes Theorem

\[ P(\theta | D) = \frac{Pr(D|\theta) Pr(\theta )}{Pr(D)} \]

  • Philosophy of Priors, Uninformative Priors

  • Confidence intervals / credible intervals for free

  • Computing the posterior: Directly or by MCMC

Nice visual example of updating prior as we add data:

[gist id=“797795”]

  • King Markov and the chain islands.

  • Evaluating: Burn in , autocorrelation.  Thinning (saves memory).

  • Metropolis2.R bad mixing.

  • Compare better and worse proposal mechanisms, motivates Gibbs Sampling: propose from the posterior, always accepted.

Richard’s code:

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