

  • MacKenzie meeting
  • paperwork to Marc
  • paperwork to Karthik
  • Writing




  • latex templates for UCSC AMS dept Gosh sometimes it’s nice to be officially in a department that understands tex.

  • Best teacher’s know student’s misconceptions Hmm, our misconceptions are probably a bigger barrier than lack of knowledge for most scientists too…

  • Ohh, Jekyll 1.0 released, changelog

  • #openoxford’s debate Elseiver rep says that if they disclose prices, prices would be driven so low that they’d go out of buisness. Yikes, what would the economists say!

  • Finally, you can search within a git repositories (without cloning first and using grep obviously. Before one was had global search options only, albeit filtered by language, etc).

  • Callaway (2013) Ironic that they quote @mfenner saying that peerJ preprints are too like Nature Preceedings while also pointing out the role of archiving things like slides and posters (as these were categories of objects in Preceedings, but not in arXiv or PeerJ). Of course I agree with Martin about diverse outputs, but there appears to be something about the concept of preprint server that carries more meaning for people. Clearly figshare is a viable preprint server that is both the most discipline agonstic (arXiv isn’t interesting in expanding its scope, and peerJ’s stated scope does not cover earth science / climate science / physical oceanography side of things) and content-type agnostic (paper, poster, data, code, or anything else), and has a rich API that is absent or minimal in the other platforms.

ESA schedule


  • Ewen Callaway, (2013) Biomedical Journal And Publisher Hope to Bring Preprints to Life. Nature Medicine 19 512-512 10.1038/nm0513-512