Parrotfish in wrightscape

Bootstrapping option

Needs a method to pass the optional optim arguments to the update function, such that update uses the same algorithm as the initial fit. Required being a little clever:

[gist id=“1010999”]

Done. but perhaps we won’t always want to bootstrap under this? I suppose it is good practice but slow!  Shoot, now I need a lot of really large computers really soon.

Excellent suggestion for better ways to do this from statscicomp list. looks very promising as it avoids making a copy, but risks being evaluated in the wrong environment, which my solution above avoids.

# Using
f = function(y, ... ) {
 myCall =
 list(myCall = myCall, ans = y + dnorm(...))
a = f(1, x = 4, sd = 2, mean = 4)> length(a$myCall)</div>
[1] 5
> a$myCall
f(y = 1, x = 4, sd = 2, mean = 4)
 > a$myCall[[1]] # the function
> a$myCall[[2]] # represents the first argument, y
[1] 1
# Now I want to change this second value (representing y) to a 2
> a$myCall[[2]] = 2
> a$myCall
 f(y = 2, x = 4, sd = 2, mean = 4)
f(y = 2, x = 4, sd = 2, mean = 4)
[1] 2.199471
# Using closures
set_up_f = function(...) {
 fFn = function(y) y + dnorm(...)
f = set_up_f(x = 4, sd = 2, mean = 4)
# 1.199471
# 2.199471
  • Note: parallelization function can use pre-initialized parallelization, but should warn that it is using this setup and report how many processors are being used vs requested.

General against Brownie, General against Ouch:


rerunning nice 17 the long SANN to do model comparison of likelihoods before attempting bootstrapping.

MCMCMC option

Opening example

  • Trait is untransformed gape; gape.x.

  • Mixing of this model (1e5 generations), more transparent is hotter:

  • gape.y running 1e6 generations, nice 18

  • open (opening lever ratio running 1e4 gens, nice 16)

rerunning 1e5 gens, nice 14

Other stuff

  • Algorithms group meeting on EM today, to be continued.

  • Working on evolution presentation, see draft notes.

  • Some work on RR workflow tools, see draft notes until posted.

  • Registered for CSGF conference and HPC workshop

  • Julie’s questions on likelihood of SIR-type model simulation (in email)

To Do

  • Power in phylogenies manuscript finalize!

  • Assemble MCMC and bootstrapping results, write remaining Evolution practice talk

  • Hastings paper