Server Security Basics

Security configuration

We set up SSH key-only login on non-standard port, with root login forbidden. We then set up ufw firewall, fail2ban, and tripwire.

  1. Configure an SSH key login. Next, Create a user, add to sudoers, and then disable root login.. Edits /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
  • Disabling root logins. (We’ll need to add ourselves to sudo first: (adduser, edit /etc/sudoers)
  • Change ssh port from default to something else.
  • Whitelist user login ids

Additionally, let’s be sure to disable password authentication: Add PasswordAuthentication no to /etc/ssh/sshd_config. (editing PermitRootLogin only doesn’t do this).

Locally add an entry in ~/.ssh/config to alias the host and port to avoid having to remember these numbers for login. Run ssh-copy-id <droplet-ip> to enable key-based login for the user.

  1. Install and configure ufw firewall. As we’re not using the default ssh port, we need to explicitly tell ufw which ssh port to allow.
sudo ufw allow <PORT>/tcp

(The /tcp part is optional, saying only allow tcp protocol over that port, not other protocols.)

We must also tell ufw to allow Docker: In /etc/default/ufw change DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY to ACCEPT, then:

sudo ufw reload
sudo ufw allow 2375/tcp

and similarly allow any ports we export for our various services (Gitlab, Drone, etc).

  1. Install and configure fail2ban. Prevents brute force password attacks. Be sure to assign the config to match chosen ssh port.

  2. Install and configure tripwire (intrusion detection).

  3. Update software:

sudo apt-get -q update && sudo apt-get -qy dist-upgrade

and then also update tripwire log:

sudo tripwire --check --interactive

Note: Clearly all these steps need to be running on the server itself, not merely in a container image deployed on server so that they are securing access to the actual host.

Additional configuration

While we’re doing things, add user to the docker group for convenience: sudo addgroup cboettig docker

Enable swap on a small instance. Here we set up 1GB of swap (setting swap at twice the available RAM is the recommended rule-of-thumb, though makes less sense once RAM is large)

sudo fallocate -l 1G /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile

To make this persistant on reboot edit /etc/fstab:

sudo echo "/swapfile       none    swap    sw      0       0" >> /etc/fstab

For better performance, we might tweak swappiness to 10 (default is 60 out of 100, where 0 is never swap and 1 is swap frequently):

echo 10 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
echo vm.swappiness = 10 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf

Set ownership

sudo chown root:root /swapfile
sudo chmod 0600 /swapfile

Server modules

Running different services as their own docker containers offers serveral advantages:

  • Containers often make it easier to install and deploy existing services, since the necessary configuration is scripted in the Dockerfile and we can often find Dockerfiles already made on Docker Hub for common services. This note illustrates several examples.

  • Containers may provide an added level of stability, since they run largely in isolation from each other.

  • Containers can be resource limited, e.g.

docker run -it -m 100m -c 100 ubuntu /bin/bash

would provide the container with 100 MB of RAM and 100 “shares” of CPU (acts kind of like a niceness, where the default share of a container is 1024. On multicore machines you can also pass --cpuset "0" or --cpuset "0,1" etc, which is a list of which cpus (numbered 0 to n-1, as in /proc/cpuinfo) the container is permitted to use.

As noted in the link, restricting disk space is more tricky, though might become easier down the road.

ssh server:

Permit users to ssh directly into a container rather than access the server itself. Despite its simplicity, I found this a bit tricky to set up correctly, particularly in managing users.

Here’s the basic Dockerfile for an image we’ll call ssh. This creates a user given by the environmental variable. A few tricks:

  • We use adduser instead of useradd so that we get the home directory for the user created and granted the correct permissions automaticalliy. We need the --gecos information so that we’re not prompted to enter the user’s full name etc. We use --disabled-password rather than set a password here.
  • Login is still possible through ssh key (as well as through nsenter on the host machine). We go ahead and add the ssh key now, though this could be done after the container is running by using nsenter.
  • In this dockerfile, we’ve added the user to sudoers group for root access on the container (installing software, etc). This won’t be active until the user has a password.
FROM     ubuntu:14.04
ENV USER cboettig
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y openssh-server
RUN mkdir /var/run/sshd
RUN adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" $USER
RUN adduser $USER sudo
ADD authorized_keys /home/$USER/.ssh/authorized_keys
RUN chown $USER /home/$USER/.ssh/authorized_keys
CMD    ["/usr/sbin/sshd", "-D"]

When building the image, note that a copy of authorized_keys (contains the contents of the public key) file must be found in the same directory as the Dockerfile so that it can be added to the image.

Start the ssh server on port 2200:

docker run -d -p 2200:22 --name="ssh" ssh

Add to the firewall permissions

sudo ufw add 2200/tcp

From here I can now ssh in from the computer housing the private key pair to the public key that is added to the image here. However, that user doesn’t have root access since we haven’t provided a password.

Use nsenter to enter the instance:

docker run -v /usr/local/bin:/target jpetazzo/nsenter
nsenter -m -u -n -i -p -t `docker inspect --format '' ssh` /bin/bash

Create a password for the user to enable root access:

echo '$USER:<password>' | chpasswd

We can create other users and add them to sudoers or not as desired, e.g. add interactively using:

useradd <username>

users can later change their passwords once they log in.

Restoring containers when restarting

A certain times we need to power cycle the server (e.g. after certain software updates), using the sudo reboot now command or the DigitalOcean console. Any running containers will be automatically stopped. Once the machine is back up and we log back in, these containers can be brought back up with docker restart <container_id> (or <container_name>), and then everything is back to normal.

Note that while we can stop and restart a container, it seems we cannot simply save a container (e.g. with docker commit or docker save and re-run it and expect the server functionality to be restored after the container is destroyed (e.g. by docker rm -f). (See previous notes 2014-09-05) for an illustration of this problem. This occurs because the container image does not include the volume where it writes its data, and that volume address is generated uniquely each time a container is run.

Consequently, a different (probably more traditional) approach is needed to backup the configuration of a server such as Gitlab or Drone-CI even when running in a container. Will explore this later.

Meanwhile, remember remove unneeded containers with

docker rm $(docker ps -a | grep Exited | awk '{print $1}')

and not with -f (destroying running containers!)

Key security

We can largely avoid needing a private ssh key for the server, though may use https authentication to let us use git (rather than, say, rsync) to develop and save changes made remotely (say, through RStudio server).

Backing up keys

Probably unnecessary to have a backup of the ssh private RSA key, as we can access the DigitalOcean Server or Github through the web consoles and add a new public key and replace our private key.